The Genie Within

Top-Selling Guidebook for Using Your Subconscious Mind

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Internationally Renowned

Published in 9 Languages around the world

THIS BOOK is a technical manual, a no-nonsense how-to description on

* How your subconscious mind works,
* The laws it obeys,
* How to communicate with your subconscious mind, and
* 15 proven methods of using your subconscious mind

Missing Link

Knowing how your subconscious mind works is the missing link for attaining success. The methods of using it are easy but if you do not know how your subconscious works, you will likely fail.

Key to Success

The key to success is that access to your subconscious mind is through an altered state of mind. Affirming to your subconscious mind in the normal, awake state can do more harm than good. You must learn to go into a natural, restful state of mind to enter the realm of the subconscious.

Willpower Won't Work

You cannot will yourself to change if the change is contrary to beliefs in your subconscious. You can think of your goal all day but that is not enough — in fact, it can work against you.

Guinness Vs. Water

Your conscious mind and subconscious mind are as different as water and Guinness Ale. You need to know how they differ before you can take full advantage of the potential in your subconscious mind.

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Read The Genie Within if you want to...

      • Change a bad habit
      • Be more proficient and efficient
      • Lose weight
      • Increase self-esteem
      • Achieve goals
      • Perform better in sports
      • Speak in public without fear
      • Be more creative
      • Improve mental and physical health
      • Interpret hunches and dreams
      • Relax to a deeper level
      • Sleep better
      • Change a gloomy mood to a joyous one